Jeffrey Gehlbach
Jeff futzes around with free software, network management, scientific skepticism, running, and whatever else strikes him as a good time.
Raleigh, NC, US
Following (8)
roderickm Rod Montgomery |
ksonney Kevin Sonney |
russellbryant Russell Bryant |
schisamo Seth Chisamore |
matir David Tomaschik |
rangerrick Benjamin Reed |
garethgreenaway Gareth J. Greenaway |
fabsh Fabian A. Scherschel |
Followers (10)
matir David Tomaschik |
saintaquinas Bruno Romuald Aquinas |
wakeaney William A. Keaney |
ksonney Kevin Sonney |
jpope jpope |
roderickm Rod Montgomery |
fabsh Fabian A. Scherschel |
mattraykowski Matt Raykowski |
rangerrick Benjamin Reed |
garethgreenaway Gareth J. Greenaway |
Browse others (14)
andybold Andy Bold |
straho77 strahil minev |
samueltacoz Samuel Palancares Barreto |
alphapapaactual Patrik Andersson |
tianxie Tian Xie |
d2yz hidayat |
sergiumarcut Sergiu Marcut |
just_a_warning fr1t2 |
stephenmcvkainos Stephen McVeigh |
jacobborgtom Jacob Borg |
pschalk Patrick Schalk |