Jean Helou
Jean is a freelance Scala/Java developper and happy father of 2. He works mostly on web applications, with a side serving of opensource libraries. Beer is always welcome.
Lyon, France
Following (70)
simounet Simounet |
jlrigau Jean-Louis Rigau |
aagahi Alexis Agahi |
jblemee Jean-Baptiste LEMEE |
ahoy_jon Jonathan WINANDY |
mbaechler Matthieu Baechler |
ldirer Laurent Direr |
paour Pierre-Luc Paour |
yupwego_emeric emeric |
waxzce Quentin ADAM |
Followers (73)
janehanek Maryjane Hanek |
jblemee Jean-Baptiste LEMEE |
ldirer Laurent Direr |
vil1 Valentin Kasas |
domdom26 Dominique DUPLAN |
johjo Jonathan Laurent |
clem_bouillier Clément Bouillier |
sleclercq Stéphane Leclercq |
chilimavev Burnashev Pahomiy |
borreoien Gullik Vik |
Browse others (15)
noitom22 Georg Maierhoefer |
keithbrautigam Keith Brautigam |
andrewmeikle Andrew Meikle |
jamuraa Marie Janssen |
goatoshi Goatoshi Nakagoato |
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arthurlunn Arthur Lunn |
cnizza Chris Nizza |
alexalinares Alexa Isabela Linares Morles |
benepax pax |
attaobah Hameed Taoheed |
ndecizion Adam Twitty |