Joe Doss
Fedora Linux user. Passionate about enabling others to improve their lives with Open Source Software.
Chicago, IL
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Following (11)
neb14 Ben Schmitz |
andygeorge Andy George |
jayjacobs |
adomokos Attila Domokos |
brosdb DBro |
djuber Dan Uber |
lindabrown Linda Brown |
joeyschoblaska Joey Schoblaska |
mkrisher Mike Krisher |
benlinton Ben Linton |
Followers (10)
neb14 Ben Schmitz |
abestkenna Alex Best |
adomokos Attila Domokos |
andygeorge Andy George |
brosdb DBro |
djuber Dan Uber |
joeyschoblaska Joey Schoblaska |
mkrisher Mike Krisher |
benlinton Ben Linton |
sdenike Shelby DeNike |