Organizing those on the #Fediverse to oppose #Gab instances and Gab Fediverse Apps. Organizing for instances right to associate with whom they wish, and for private app developers and stores to have freedom of enterprise.
North America
Following (4)
mattarnold Matt Arnold |
semschilder Sem Schilder |
uther |
ashfurrow Ash Furrow |
Followers (4)
titosilv Antonio Silva |
kas_luthor Kas |
mattarnold Matt Arnold |
uther |
Browse others (14)
skyjedi Luke Olson |
adesztics Armand Desztics |
echowxsy Echowxsy |
jmsleimancomcast Joseph |
koko5895 Djoko Dinkov |
bjulez robert julius |
stephlaris Stephanie Martinez |
jeanmertz Jean Mertz |
skimploco Skimpdizzle the great |
martionex Jordi van Os |
austinmcraig Austin M. Craig |