Irene Gerarda
I was born and raised on the prairie. Life used to be good here, but I have come to realize nothing is as it seemed.
Saskatoon, Saskatchewan Canada
Following (2)
thomas_02432 W. thomas |
panterravida PanTerraVida Private Society |
Followers (7)
john_49 john robert, House of Sorensen |
june_2626 June Roy |
carole_2477 Carole Lynn Collins |
eric_2212 Fraud Inc. -- t.meFraud_Inc |
thomas_02432 W. thomas |
carol_2426 carol dianne |
panterravida PanTerraVida Private Society |
Browse others (14)
smerlok Claudio |
michaelhunter Michael Hunter |
mariavidart Maria Vidart-Delgado |
donnellspearman Donnell Spearman |
siromaha Ivan Siromahov |
shanirub Shani Rub |
ehsanah82 ehsan |
anubhavmishra Anubhav Mishra |
skeetera Skeeter A |
mathiaskroy Mathias Kroyzanovski |