Ian Norris
Ian is a graphics programmer that works for the games industry in the UK. He enjoys playing games and solving tricky software problems.
Royal Leamington Spa, UK
Following (9)
phenorbital Chris Hawley |
troyhunt Troy Hunt |
fredemmott Fred Emmott |
trmonks Timothy Monks |
sinjo Chris Sinjakli |
chrisboyle Chris Boyle |
msuriar Murali Suriar |
zed0 Ben Falconer |
twpol James Ross |
Followers (9)
phenorbital Chris Hawley |
chrisboyle Chris Boyle |
dark_m |
msuriar Murali Suriar |
twpol James Ross |
fredemmott Fred Emmott |
kfalconspb Scott Bollinger |
trmonks Timothy Monks |
zed0 Ben Falconer |
Browse others (15)
ermanc A. Erman Celen |
weavingcode Weaving Code |
ikeagbasi Ike A. |
originaux Chevy |
sid_siddiqui Waqas Siddiqui |
thomasbarker Thomas Barker |
cryptobroker Štěpán Král |
bforchhammer Benedikt Forchhammer |
rosemary1 Rosemary Davy |
adamkeech Adam Keech |