Adam James Wright
Loves Python, Django and Salt. Intersects queer spaces. Much disdain for capitalism. Atheist but I don't go on about it. Likes go (not the lang).
Perth, Western Australia
Following (20)
alisa Alisa Blakeney |
unixnut Alastair Irvine |
grassdog Ray Grasso |
effy Effy Elden (ineffyble) |
sp1cs Spi Cybershark |
sheldon_gill Sheldon Gill |
distantcam Cameron MacFarland |
sjy Scott Young |
zanchey David Adam |
miki Miki Habryn |
Followers (13)
ashugg Andrew Shugg |
shayt Shay |
davidcake David Cake |
lordmortis Brendan Ragan |
grassdog Ray Grasso |
unixnut Alastair Irvine |
effy Effy Elden (ineffyble) |
sp1cs Spi Cybershark |
distantcam Cameron MacFarland |
zanchey David Adam |
Browse others (14)
elfajrun fajrun |
bradthompsonam Brad Thompson |
nlogachev Nikita Logachev |
aaidoo Akwasi Aidoo |
josephcox Joseph Cox |
hzwang Huizhao Wang |
andreasheim Andreas Heim |