Wolfgang Senges
Co-Founder of Cultural Commons Collecting Society (C3S), previously curator of all2gethernow, Prince-weirdo & way too old for all that geeky stuff. Doing it anyway.
Trier / Berlin / Köln
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peteratomic Peter Harris |
resonatecoop Resonate |
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theimperfection Austin |
timpritlove Tim Pritlove |
flowfx Florian Posdziech |
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harismalik Haris Asghar Malik |
corwinsam Ray Ferry |
aikordek Ai Kordek |
pztrick Patrick Paul |
rafagarcia Rafa Garcia |
bethfoster Beth Foster |
computergenie ComputerGenie |
zedr Rigel Di Scala |
cjevanica6qxuwu Jeanett Coldiron |