Some move fast and break things. I move faster and fix things.
the genyaverse
Following (4)
johnpanzer John Panzer |
rdl Ryan Lackey |
iansltx Ian Littman |
pablobreuer Pablo Breuer |
Followers (3)
johnpanzer John Panzer |
pablobreuer Pablo Breuer |
iansltx Ian Littman |
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12lhx09 ᒫᓎᖇᖱᗁᓌᖆᓦᖇᘴ᙭ |
rhysecampbell Rhys Campbell |
industrialist samuel brooks |
shyunykim SANGHYUN kIM |
blessj Blessed Justice |
nmalla Natalia MALLA Martínez |
fatherdamo Damian Hosty |
jgrenier Joel |
samanek Josef Samanek |
opentechfund Open Technology Fund |
barbsbhg Barbie |