Filip-M. Brinkmann
Cloud database researcher at the DBIS group at University of Basel, Switzerland. (
Freiburg, Germany / Basel, Switzerland
Following (6)
grok Kate Darling |
kevinu Kevin Urban |
cmeid Chris Meidinger |
werner Werner Vogels |
kelloggsfrost Jens Cornelis |
guylabs Guy Brand |
Followers (11)
blackzeppelin Simon Lopez |
sheller Silvan Heller |
vogti Marco Vogt |
ivangiangreco Ivan Giangreco |
blacksheeep Christopher Scherb |
astiemer Alexander Stiemer |
scoray Sein Coray |
kevinu Kevin Urban |
cmeid Chris Meidinger |
kelloggsfrost Jens Cornelis |
Browse others (15)
sepidkh Sepideh khajehei |
kako_507 Jean Carlos Aranda Castañeda |
ruthinay80 Ruth |
ghyde Garrett Hyde |
miryam Miryam Uribe Calle |
lmount Lampros Mountrakis |
jennipherale jennpher Alejandro |
acycor linfield lidel |
imogenteassuh1 Imogen Teas |
jackpribek Jack Pribek |
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