Product & UX/UI designer & web front-end developer, server devops, linux for main desktop OS, tutored and wrote tutorials for new upcoming friends. Quite a bit.
Please tell me who you are if you're following me... it will be much appreciated
Miami, FL 🌴🇺🇸 + Moscow, RU 🌃🇷🇺
Following (4)
bifftannen Biff Tannen |
rugk |
chris_vue_star Chris |
brianmanden Brian Juul Andersen |
Followers (8)
currentsea Joseph Bull |
harrishanry harrishanry |
keamspirit david |
258204 |
bifftannen Biff Tannen |
ricardobalk |
chris_vue_star Chris |
brianmanden Brian Juul Andersen |
Browse others (12)
leonidasmarte Leonidas Marte |
dino_kovac Dino Kovač |
haslan Chloé C |
aabdi abdul abdi |
reblmom Moira Mills |
alecortese Alessandro Cortese |
judy Mark Smith |
pramodpsb Pramod Bisht |
fortytw2 Ian Chiles |