The Arch Linux user in the room. Prone to go off on tangents. Connoisseur of fine chewables. Not human.
Memora Prefecture, IsisView
Following (7)
dcite |
xkallisti No |
nfnitloop Cody Casterline |
princessnicole Princess Nicole |
feathersong Feathersong |
chimerae the chimerical collective |
avynaria Avynaria |
Followers (7)
feathersong Feathersong |
dcite |
avynaria Avynaria |
nfnitloop Cody Casterline |
vevanamakladal Bakeev Nifont |
princessnicole Princess Nicole |
kayateia Kayateia |
Browse others (14)
illinoisevidence Illinois Evidence |
dreuse Sueder Morais |
joergwille Jörg Wile |
skinthecat wendy wang |
andersberglund andber8 |
pydanny Daniel Greenfeld |
suppressed fuck |
lrhoden Lea |
turnerneil Zoe Harrison |
lincolncolrmtk Lincoln Collelo |