Charles Shirer
Just a Geek, Father, and Husband who is a Lover of People, Life, and Hacking. @Secbsd, @GrumpyHackers, @NovaHackers, @deadpixelsec, OSCP, OSWP
unix headquarters
Following (36)
phreaked Phreaked |
agamotto 3v1lb1t |
davesec David |
vastidity James Vastidity |
krlsmarxley nope |
phillipwylie Phillip Wylie |
gclair Gurjeet Clair |
n1cfury n1c Fury |
jhysler DFIRjustin |
doulos David Hughes |
Followers (22)
richard888 Solution Richard |
osint_intel OSINT Tactical C3n7ral051nt4g3ncy |
atomicmaya Maya |
gclair Gurjeet Clair |
atomicnicos Nicolas |
aoighost aoighost |
blkbx BlackBox Cyber |
doulos David Hughes |
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joseferreiratd José Ferreira |
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ablackmon Andrew Blackmon |
jmschultz Justin Schultz |
xleliberty Xavier |
md_r na |
mitchellh Mitchell Hashimoto |
nexxy Emily Rose |
zeinjr Erwin F |