Bruno Borges
Brazilian, Developer Relations & Engagement Strategist promoting great developer technologies to the world. Now @Java at @Microsoft #Azure. Previously @OracleDevs
Vancouver, Canada
Following (37)
klaraward Klara Ward |
evanchooly Justin Lee |
hansolo_ Gerrit Grunwald |
jasondlee Jason Lee |
kinabalu Andrew Lombardi |
stephenconnolly Stephen Connolly |
martinwoodward Martin Woodward |
as_w Aaron Wislang |
aheusingfeld Alexander Heusingfeld |
spencergibb Spencer Gibb |
Followers (76)
pbalduino P Balduino |
khmarbaise Karl Heinz Marbaise |
ivanocj Ivan Costa |
lucasteles Lucas Teles |
aalmiray Andres Almirayw |
comdotlinux Guruprasad Kulkarni |
dimani Maurizio Lattuada |
junior_ Adao Junior |
jonathan_miranda Jonathan Alberto Miranda Peña |
dhinojosa Daniel Hinojosa |
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samps Adrian Sampson |
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simonstclair Simon Stclair |
jshier John Shier |
bwe22798 Brett Werner |
freeze2012 MR. M |
dobson Christoph Walter |
estelendur Esty Thomas |
andymccown Andy McCown |