You are the universe observing itself as a talking monkey on a rock free falling through the cosmos.
Earth 2.0
Following (26)
ambam |
amskye2002 Amber M |
donaldb22 |
herbertwest |
humanism121 |
skippedup420 Adam |
fatjack69 |
c0d3x44 cody hicks |
vibi17 Calvin Wiegreff |
vasatidacini |
Followers (18)
ambam |
amskye2002 Amber M |
fifthcricleman |
metero |
codex92 cody hicks |
donaldb22 |
herbertwest |
fatjack69 |
c0d3x44 cody hicks |
vibi17 Calvin Wiegreff |
Browse others (14)
longn Long Nguyen |
master_esp Master |
gregladen Greg Laden |
momentus mikhail kokorich |
vegardok Vegard Økland |
achura Adam Chura |
sspate26 Shrina Patel |
manueldev Manuel Wedler |
courtneyk_nulogy Courtney Kurysh |