Barry Feldman
sentient life form on planet Earth, animal, primate, human being, son, husband, parent, Friend, qigong practitioner, climate and justice activist, embodiment activist, and renegade economist and social theorist
Following (25)
jiche |
aehopkins23 Anna Hopkins |
a_frame Anson Moran |
hwfitzroy Matt P |
mgris Mary Griswold |
granolagracie gracie ann |
larix Hillary Geller |
bardojeremiah Jeremy Pardoe |
hall_cami Cam |
jessyb |
Followers (46)
redremrep grace aka reduce, remove, repair |
weinds77 Dan Weinberg |
roselandgoose Rosie Keith Languet |
greenheron Carolyn Kuebler |
bhenschen Bob Henschen |
mergirl Margarita Austin |
a_frame Anson Moran |
palomalibre Chava S |
clynch33 Chad |
coolhand_luke Luke B |
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konrad_pels Konrad Pels |
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allisonmackey Allison Mackey |
tmp Cris van Pelt |
gjain97 Ghazal Jain |
deathpool Misael Rodriguez |
juhigoyal Juhi Goyal |
goat_team_6 Goat_Team_6 |
pert5ugavdey Sylvain Thibodeau |
clemensg Clemens Gruber |
bensarmiento Ben Sarmiento |