Alvaro Lizama
I'm a Developer at Resuelve building fintech platforms with Elixir and other tools.
Ciudad de Mexico
Following (45)
xbytemx Tony Palma |
sergiovalente Sergio Valente |
oscarswanros Oscar Swanros |
neftalyluis Neftaly Luis |
osielnava |
erickgnavar Erick Navarro |
spacedrop Stellar Space Drop |
davidbaron BARON David |
cgalayo Carlos Galayo |
ricrdo Ricardo Tun |
Followers (54)
alex1206 |
cgalayo Carlos Galayo |
chewrafa Rafael |
egaliciar |
armanroot Armando Uch |
maop Marco Alfonso Ocampo |
netodev Ernesto Valenzuela Vargas |
avalos Iván Ávalos |
neftalyluis Neftaly Luis |
sergiovalente Sergio Valente |
Browse others (14)
nechered Nelson |
anglerud Rikard Anglerud |
alistair_r Alistair |
tristola Toni Ristola |
manumanfro Manuel Manfrin |
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mlbitlead John Joseph Hoog |
zmadell Zachary Madell |
nagybenc Bence Nagy |