W. Alec Akin
Director of Security and Board Treasurer for the Police Data Accessibility Project
Neurdodivergent, ADHD/autistic nerd, who loves cats and helping people with hacking (legally).
Boise, ID
Following (7)
joshchamberlain Joshua Chamberlain |
delyd David Delyea (he-him) |
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damonsmall Damon J. Small |
emmacaron Emma Caron |
jlintag Josh Lintag |
eddiejbrown Eddie J. Brown |
Followers (3)
emmacaron Emma Caron |
eddiejbrown Eddie J. Brown |
jlintag Josh Lintag |
Browse others (15)
czarum Caleb Franklin |
drorata Dror Atariah |
robmestiola Robert B. Mestiola |
micronc Micron |
jordanmp Jordan Bisasky |
stephaniebressan Stephanie Bressan |
rohk Kevin Roh |
jgrimes John Grimes |
joshmenden Josh Menden |
greglem Gregory Lemercier |
permezel Damon Permezel |