Housing, initial project is planning to deliver 2,500 passive homes per annum in Scotland. Role project out to rest of Verdant Isles.
Biodynamic - Regenerative Farming, Alternative Energy, Aviation, Forestry, Environment, Health & Wellbeing.
Troon, Scotland
Following (120)
carola_2824 Carola |
francesco_2385 francesco martino giuseppe house of teruggi |
sergii_2375 |
eileen_13 Eileen Sondra |
martin_343 Martin Fairbairn |
patrickskarp Patrick |
josef_1696 Josef Ertl |
ashay_2633 Ashay Az, House Of Ki |
ben_01167 Ben House van der Poel |
dominik_2355 Dominik-Patryk Paruch-Czarnota |
Followers (96)
leslie890 leslie glender |
cody_1890 Cody Wass |
blake_01743 |
ricardo_2425 Ricardo Daniel House of Larrauri |
carola_2824 Carola |
francesco_2385 francesco martino giuseppe house of teruggi |
michelle_1176 michelle_1176 |
sabine_01849 sabine schwemm |
Browse others (15)
bendik192 Benedikt Sommer |
rochoa rodrigo ochoa |
grosendorf Gabriel Rosendorf |
antoine_gomez Antoine Gomez |
raffya Raffy Alcoriza |
jessed Jesse Dearing |
mard Mariusz Dziemianowicz |
saulool Saulo Oliveira |
chalamius Carl ChalamiuS |
karileclaire Kari Leclaire |