William S. Rodriguez
Dad of 3 girls and 1 boy, speaker, mobile developer, @Microsoft & @xamarinhq MVP, Co-Founder/Host @MonkeyNightsDev community builder and @capiconf organizer 🤟
Curitiba, Brasil
Following (6)
migueldeicaza Miguel de Icaza |
willsb William Barbosa |
lena Lena |
akamud Mahmoud Ali |
egomesbrandao Emmanuel Brandão |
giggio Giovanni Bassi |
Followers (11)
lucasteles Lucas Teles |
wallacesilva09 Wallace Silva |
quagliato Eduardo Quagliato |
akamud Mahmoud Ali |
giggio Giovanni Bassi |
egomesbrandao Emmanuel Brandão |
peternovassat John Peter Novassat de Lima |
perfeito Faberson Perfeito |
eheilmann Erich Heilmann |
matheusdonizete Matheus Donizete |
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