Don Whiteside
I'm a DC-area programmer who lacks the good sense to say "no" to projects. Most of my time is consumed with coding for Dancing Mammoth, raising my son, frustrating my wife, keeping the lights on at We Love DC, and reading too much.
Arlington, VA
Following (8)
webjedi Amélie Erin Koran |
johnathayde John Athayde |
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joshdata Joshua Tauberer |
bstanfield Ben Stanfield |
kissane Erin Kissane |
tiffanybridge Tiffany Bridge |
pjdoland PJ Doland |
Followers (4)
johnathayde John Athayde |
webjedi Amélie Erin Koran |
bstanfield Ben Stanfield |
pjdoland PJ Doland |
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rhelman Roger Helman |
marcess Danielle Rietsch |
vengarioth Andreas Fischer |
pilonek Patryk Zieliński |
gavgrego Gavin Gregory |
dsoto Daniel Soto |
nvlawton Nastasia Lawton-Sticklor |
gunraft Jeff Smith |
cjread11 Chris Read |
war2d2 Warren Taylor |
raymondmars Raymond Mars |
migtronix Miguel de Sousa |