Will Binns-Smith
engineer @facebook. previously @atlassian and @bonobos. Perpetually bound to @mkawano321. I heard React was good.
San Francisco CA
Following (24)
zeke Zeke Sikelianos |
ohhoe Rachel White |
kylemathews Kyle Mathews |
nzakas Nicholas Zakas |
erynofwales Eryn Wells |
daniel15 Daniel Lo Nigro |
fet William Van Hecke |
xd David Xu |
ambv Łukasz Langa |
thejameskyle James Kyle |
Followers (11)
belak Kaleb Elwert |
paulwalkerzi02 |
zulushicage12 |
tulioz Ofer Goldstein |
fkling Felix Kling |
erikvanzijst Erik van Zijst |
jpoh Jonathan Poh |
portpaw Jon Mooring |
matthewwithanm Matthew Dapena-Tretter |
erynofwales Eryn Wells |
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laree8ul Laree Linsdau |
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kylir Kylir Horton |
martn_perz Martin Perz |
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krzysztofdrys Krzysztof Dryś |
peeja Petra Jaros |
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