Valentin Pearce
French and British student in software development moving towards AI and Interactive Systems
Following (6)
kerboitkevin Kevin Kerboit |
spacedrop Stellar Space Drop |
aldv75 Aldv |
stephenyeargin Stephen Yeargin |
maloualleno Malou ALLENO |
t_maze tanguy mazé |
Followers (4)
t_maze tanguy mazé |
aldv75 Aldv |
kerboitkevin Kevin Kerboit |
maloualleno Malou ALLENO |
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pgengler Phil Gengler |
kirkchampagne Kirk Champagne |
nimatel Ivan Zupancic |
mauriciosilva mauricio silva |
michalliczbik Michał Liczbik |
red2sp mbah marijan |
zireq George Liontos |
ciprian51 Raul Toma |
borah123 Borah Odeh |
nmap Robin |