Tim Schwartz
An artist, technologist, and activist who makes art, code, projects, books focused on technology, information, privacy, and how our culture absorbs changes in these areas.
Los Angeles, CA
Following (19)
glennf Glenn Fleishman |
willgladstone William Gladstone |
yaelwrites Yael Grauer |
mshelton Martin Shelton |
harlo harlo |
kmontenegro Ken Montenegro |
epistemographer Joshua Mark Greenberg |
ictalapel Rodrigo Fernos |
micahflee Micah Lee |
huertanix David Huerta |
Followers (13)
mshelton Martin Shelton |
bitfandango Kelly Eginton |
harlo harlo |
ostowe Owen Stowe |
kelovchis Shherbov Gorislav |
ictalapel Rodrigo Fernos |
huertanix David Huerta |
willgladstone William Gladstone |
ecv Evan Vetere |
ethitter Erick Hitter |
Browse others (15)
molped Ebbe Mølgaard Pedersen |
edobbs5215 Erica Dobbs |
hprt Harold G |
ainsleys Ainsley |
jondean Jon Dean |
nmikic Nebojsa Mikic - Nesh |
simonyang Simon Yang |
rodrigodearaujo Rodrigo de Araujo Sousa Fonseca |
dahwei Dave Linn |