Steven Saus
Steven Saus (pronounced like "sauce") injects people with radioactivity as his day job, but only to serve the forces of good.
He is an author, sociologist, and nuclear medicine technologist living in Dayton, Ohio.
Dayton, Ohio
Following (14)
grantsewell Grant Sewell |
danhunsaker Hennik Hunsaker |
beauchef Jean-François Beauchef |
wilw Wil Wheaton |
imogenheap |
ginatrapani Gina Trapani |
denki |
authy Authy |
kytrinyx |
bcrypt Yan |
Followers (3)
danhunsaker Hennik Hunsaker |
maryhoornstra Mary Hoornstra Perez |
beauchef Jean-François Beauchef |
Browse others (13)
oriese Zuzanna Symanska |
lubov Rene Lubov |
sjurgemeyer Shaun Jurgemeyer |
lontra Miguel |
peggyli Peggy Li |
apekshamehta Apeksha Mehta |