Scott T
I’m a business leader, commercial fisherman and bush pilot. I love the remote outdoors. I’m very much part of the Alaska Native community, from work to family. I’m Christian, married with grown kids and young grandaughters.
Chugiak, AK
Following (10)
shehetree2 sheila |
cassiehallstone Cassie H |
shehetree Sheila M |
akryan Ryan Y. |
higzip Amanda |
jasoncincydad Jason H |
krimblebee Kim A. |
drstefanie Dr. Stefanie |
caitlin_farr Caitlin |
morganaz Morgan W |
Followers (8)
nasegs Trina |
shehetree2 sheila |
cassiehallstone Cassie H |
shehetree Sheila M |
krimblebee Kim A. |
jasoncincydad Jason H |
caitlin_farr Caitlin |
morganaz Morgan W |
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