Sam Ottenhoff
Co-founder of Longsight and VeriCite. Core developer on Sakai. Open-source, ed-tech.
Brooklyn, NY
Following (6)
kenaragon Kenneth Aragon |
baholladay |
peterdietz Peter Dietz |
bluyten Bram Luyten |
johnoho |
psev Paul Severance |
Followers (3)
kenaragon Kenneth Aragon |
peterdietz Peter Dietz |
psev Paul Severance |
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xevrxst Johnny |
licx Carlo Licciardi |
catherina Catherina Centanni |
christianb Christian Bagley |
ficio WItold Kopel |
jgroh Jeremy Groh |
noodle Joe Ma |
andrewppp Mahatma Gandhi |
evilrabbit Evil Rabbit |