Roy Lines
Consultant Cloud Architect and Devops specialist. Creating high scale systems for money and playing with robots for fun. I also do a bit of magic.
Following (8)
ckemper Christian Kemper |
leonfs Leonardo Fernandez Sanchez |
spacedrop Stellar Space Drop |
davespanton Dave Spanton |
bochenski David Bochenski |
benhughes Ben Hughes |
jamesbloomer James Bloomer |
minuteman3 Miles McGuire |
Browse others (15)
mathowie Matt Haughey |
judii Justin Giudici |
netbug Oleg Urzhumtcev |
brigata_bardo Brigata Bardo |
barrie Barrie Mitchell |
nicjackson Nic Jackson |
drstephencw Stephen Clarke-Willson |
chrislambe Chris Lambe |
vazub Basil Zubko |
madihughes Madi Hughes |