Raunak S
Work with remote sensing, geoinformatics. Interested in genetic algo and basic reverse engineering. Open to all offers.
Following (24)
troyhunt Troy Hunt |
ankitpanda Ankit Panda |
chrismattmann Chris Mattmann |
drizzly Vasudevan Mukunth |
generativist John Bjorn Nelson |
wilw Wil Wheaton |
hacks4pancakes Lesley Carhart |
achillean John Matherly |
film_girl Christina Warren |
felt Adrienne Porter Felt |
Followers (2)
generativist John Bjorn Nelson |
maripetresti Marilena Petresti |
Browse others (14)
laavmunet Kaufman Galina |
darkn3ssf4lls Daniel Lewis |
bubbleteawill WILLIAM |
mdma Matthew McGowan |
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scottiepippen lord farquaad |