Rich Klein
As a self-taught principal software engineer, I specialize in developing the management and access controls of consumer grade enterprise software.
Ackworth, Iowa
Following (37)
jcjones Jason Jones |
aetherdeity Jeffrey Melvin |
mairaemperley Maira Emperley |
stuckshut Eric Anders |
bablakely Benjamin Blakely |
lyddonb Beau Lyddon |
jules15 Brandon St. Jules |
ncmn Nathan Coleman |
tylertreat Tyler Treat |
robertkluin Robert Kluin |
Followers (20)
jcjones Jason Jones |
matthewlorimor Matthew Lorimor |
jonconradt Jonathan Conradt |
basseyb491 rprus |
bablakely Benjamin Blakely |
tjayne Laide Taiwo |
saatitbavarban Fogl Galina |
pyuhaknopalas Chernyavskiy Terentiy |
nokeclesnenmel Shebanova Serafima |
andresblanco Andres Blanco |
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