Robert Feldt
SE/CS researcher focused on improving libs, knowledge, students and society. Believe in the power of software to improve the world and that information wants and should be free.
Gothenburg, Sweden
Following (7)
torkar Richard Torkar |
olundhu |
marinaaf |
moritzschauer Moritz Schauer |
anamagazinius Ana Magazinius |
gorschek Tony Gorschek |
widar Alexander Widar |
Followers (9)
torkar Richard Torkar |
bugcounting Carlo A. Furia |
marinaaf |
moritzschauer Moritz Schauer |
troeger Peter Tröger |
samuelfricker Samuel Fricker |
alexeyza Alexey Zagalsky |
gorschek Tony Gorschek |
widar Alexander Widar |
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mjxw Matthew Wu |
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