Futuristic musings about a technologically superior past. I teach and have fun doing it.
The Interwebs
Following (24)
jksn Jackson |
thelonegunman thelonegunman |
michaldybowski Michał P. Dybowski |
programm |
vr0n vr0n |
dooziedoo |
hackerhaus Michael Hacker |
decentusername decent-username |
will_zsolt Zsolt Majdoub |
lessfoobar lessfoobar |
Followers (39)
vulcanelf T'Pol |
mc_on_kb Heraclitus |
arthurio Arthur Rio |
akumasatsujinken |
drkokandy Dave Kokandy |
jeremio Jeremio |
msmrez |
saragiotto |
antarctichex |
thelonegunman thelonegunman |
Browse others (15)
allthemoney Lisa Daly |
deliciahigh3 Delicia Himmons |
anita19960219 Anita Hu |
weissds Nikolay Poplavskiy |
jeffmcjunkin Jeff McJunkin |
jawkov Nikita Polyakov |
nkenschaft Nathaniel Kenschaft |
xavierjoao Joao Victor |
bertel Bertel Torp |
imaili Ismael Hernandez |
sjannat23 Seratun Jannat |
hevyw8 Adam Gutierrez |