Piotr Zurek
Programming language tourist with affinity for the web.
Auckland, New Zealand
Following (28)
jinthagerman1 |
bramcohen Bram Cohen |
kalmanb Kalman Bekesi |
abock Aaron Bockover |
spacedrop Stellar Space Drop |
nerdenough Brendan Goodenough |
jinthagerman Jin Budelmann |
joetrotsky Joe Trotsky |
kylehqcom Kyle Clarke |
stoggi Jeremy Stott |
Followers (20)
voolk |
jinthagerman1 |
joetrotsky Joe Trotsky |
jinthagerman Jin Budelmann |
aconnernc Amy Conner |
toofineapoint458 Russell Imrie |
srdandukic Srdan Dukic |
mylaw |
stoggi Jeremy Stott |
wasabicube Peter Asquith |
Browse others (14)
iamtavi David Burton |
maxfriedrich Max Friedrich |
gtemon GT EMON |
mattdonnelly Matt Donnelly |
hindycheng Hindy Cheng |
drelaranatra Torp Helle |
abdirashidlor67 Dordi Ali |