Aurore Pannone
Slack prompts you to enter a description for new channels, but then it buries that description in a side menu, while the "topic" is prominently displayed, but remains blank by default.
Following (4)
jeffrufino Jeffrey Rufino |
zawadzka Mieczysława Zawadzka |
barrysilbert Barry Silbert |
ara_unique andrea yap |
Followers (2)
emanuelee |
proof_of_truth |
Browse others (13)
odiv Niall Fitzgerald |
hendrikelsner Hendrik Haas |
grantslape Grant Slape |
flapierre_ad Felix Lapierre |
lexiconsean Sean Davison |
kleopatra Kleopatra Pirpinia |
aligo_x aligo |
jkirchartz Joel Kirchartz |
mbeau88 Beau Reese |