Patrick S. Kelso
Cyber DevOps Irish dancing, bodhran playing, IT nerd with a penchant for cider & tunes. I speak for no one but myself, and always with tongue firmly in cheek
Following (14)
troyhunt Troy Hunt |
opticpow Wayne Ingram |
sqlrockstar Thomas LaRock |
johnmckibbin John McKibbin |
vmbrasseur VM (Vicky) Brasseur |
nikkence |
onesmallthought Paul Bogg |
cintiadr Cintia Del Rio |
mpesce Mark Pesce |
smcleod Sam McLeod |
Followers (10)
pick888 Karlee linn |
russellmcgregor Russell McGregor |
gak gak |
nikkence |
onesmallthought Paul Bogg |
tmclaugh Tom McLaughlin |
sthulin Sean Thulin |
smcleod Sam McLeod |
jonasrosland Jonas Rosland |
thiagoconde Thiago Conde Figueiró |
Browse others (12)
dzucarelli Daniel Zucarelli |
priyathamkumar A Priyatham Kumar |
hmills holly mills |
redarmy Eugene Kovalev |
neewy Nikolay Yushkevich |
luisgouveiatd Luís Gouveia |