Colin Turner
Head of School, Engineering, Professor of Engineering Education, Ulster; FOSS Advocate; Mathematician; FidoNet; Aikidoka; Iaidoka; Meat Popsicle; General Techie
Northern Ireland
Following (8)
tyndyll Tyndyll |
gdh g |
padzor Patrick Moore |
tb71 Tobias Burchhardt |
alainvalain Alain Fontaine |
joho68 Joaquim Homrighausen |
noodles Jonathan McDowell |
mattkeenan Matt Keenan |
Followers (10)
ho66es Mark Kerr |
jeroenvandeleur Jeroen van de Leur |
tyndyll Tyndyll |
gdh g |
padzor Patrick Moore |
tb71 Tobias Burchhardt |
alainvalain Alain Fontaine |
joho68 Joaquim Homrighausen |
noodles Jonathan McDowell |
mattkeenan Matt Keenan |
Browse others (15)
jaspery Jasper Yen |
bbayaa Belal Bayaa |
ericker Eric Ricker |
andrut92 Amadeusz Przemecki |
pierreleresteux Pierre Leresteux |
gruni Sven Grunwald |
bparazitawxk3ph Nedra Wurm |
blueberry_devops Blueberry DevOps |