Pedro Lobo
A loving father and husband. I put words together to express my opinionated views on software, hardware or anything that strikes my fancy but working as a DevOps guy is what puts food on the table.
Aveiro, Portugal
Following (33)
underops Richard |
pires Pires |
dgomes Diogo Gomes |
tpires Tiago Pires |
mitchellh Mitchell Hashimoto |
arainho André Rainho |
mmf55 |
spacedrop Stellar Space Drop |
mariusmasalar Marius Masalar |
jsnell Jason Snell |
Followers (24)
saari Valentina Saari |
tolm |
underops Richard |
niemarcos |
zhaammane Gubin Marlen |
baapivzhakvata Kahovskiy Severin |
somtoo |
naasiklemavab Shishkova Yusta |
vielaras Sobanskaya Kamilla |
abiodunadams adams abby |
Browse others (15)
alwayslearning2 Todd Brawn |
tigersauce Sham |
rhianna13 Rhianna |
ijustino Igor Justino |
ffiene Frank Fiene |
mcs4n MC |
kolotova Polina Kolotova |
luca1909 Luca Schiffer |
akashra Tim Rowe |
tschrade Thomas Schrader |
joshuakleva joshua Kleva Joe |
wordsuser XTINA |