Patrina Willert
You are not a drop in the ocean. You are the entire ocean in a drop
Following (6)
shankar_srini Shankar Srinivasan |
pompei Im Pompei |
chrisb3ll Chris Bell |
andyboxer Andrew Boxer |
marolenffi Marcene Rolen |
lucretia3w5rig Lucretia Riggsby |
Followers (4)
anarcanuck Darryl Joel Levandoski |
bertiecyi Bertie Crookes |
shaetapnakasyu Vorobyova Agapiya |
val3lfigge Valerie Figge |
Browse others (14)
miketalonnyc Mike Talon |
ep4sh Pash Ebash |
packetgod J Cruit |
himanshukhokhar Himanshu Khokar Jaat |
arclaxton Adam Claxton |
iwehrman Ian Wehrman |
cynede Cynede |
stephmassaro Stephanie |
mumbley Mumbley |
gustavopimentel Gustavo Pimentel |