Amelia Milne
Math and Computer Science undergrad at the University of British Columbia
Vancouver, BC
Following (21)
peltz1 Michaela Emch 🌱 |
jakakistan Jax Asuncion |
barblook Barb Siegel |
beibeisong BeiBei Song |
ytterdorr Tore Haglund |
steven_ganz Steven Ganz |
eugeneshvarts Eugene Shvarts |
seebee Shirley Haruka Bekins (sheherhers) |
seangriffin Sean Griffin |
scott_david Scott David |
Followers (16)
samtdy Sam Young |
alexto Alex Barnes |
peltz1 Michaela Emch 🌱 |
complexityteam Complexity |
daniela89 Daniela |
jakakistan Jax Asuncion |
bleuknight V. Bleu Knight |
scott_david Scott David |
rose_d Rose De Kock |
mrizz3 Michael Rizzo |
Browse others (15)
yvonbrito Yvon Brito Moreno |
pstch Hugo Geoffroy |
sarah89432 Sarah Moseley |
josh_harris Josh Harris |
lessnessr Lessness Randomness |
thanosk Thanos Koukoulis |
nutawila Danuta Zawiły |
mmcconnell8192 Compliance Mike |