Mark Crossfield
I’m a software developer working in operations at Auto Trader UK, have an unhealthy habit of mapping Manchester’s hidden places, and help to organise @devopsmanc.
Manchester, UK
Following (13)
chrisgillatt Chris Gillatt |
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jonolo Jonas Olofsson |
jennisheppard Jenni Sheppard |
chip Chip Wolf |
mathewcropper Mathew Cropper |
conradolson Conrad Olson |
jiminys Jim Stamp |
alex_brown Alex Brown |
joshrichards Joshua Richards |
Followers (19)
xrobertson Grant Stewart |
mrtenthirty Ralph Haley |
atongsa atongsa |
eminacholich Emina Cholich |
shaunstorey Shaun Storey |
istacey Ian Stacey |
kstoney Karl Stoney |
chrisgillatt Chris Gillatt |
chloehodgson |
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