Luca Filipozzi
Enterprise Architect, Office of the CIO, University of British Columbia
Vancouver BC, Canada
Following (27)
nmeyerhans Noah Meyerhans |
bwhacks Ben Hutchings |
amayita Amaya Rodrigo |
kalou Pascal Bouchareine |
fsf Forrest S Fleming |
odyx Didier Raboud |
johnpoyser John Poyser |
asfourakis Fadi Asfour |
kimberdray |
kula kula |
Followers (16)
kimberdray |
amayita Amaya Rodrigo |
noodles Jonathan McDowell |
kalou Pascal Bouchareine |
nmeyerhans Noah Meyerhans |
fsf Forrest S Fleming |
johnpoyser John Poyser |
lazarus7 Matthew Ellis |
twotwenty Matt |
kula kula |
Browse others (14)
jsterling James Sterling |
phillipr Phillip Rotherham |
eugenebornoffer Antonio Holmes |
selimhex Szm Hxz |
azk it me |
barefoot_88 Ed Pratt |