Liberty Jedi
Taxation is Theft. Liberty! End the Fed. AJedi uses the Force for Knowledge and defense, never for attack. Don't hurt people and don't take their stuff.
The Light Side
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fosscad Free Open Source Software Computer Aided Design |
tzoneshard tzoneshard |
incarbonite |
suckboytony Big Boi Suck |
avalanche_abassy Anton Santano |
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montezuma Montezuma_MiC |
vipinsharma Vipin Sharma |
katherinemabel Katherine Mabel |
peterfaiman Peter Faiman |
morosnyx Elias Oberauer |
fyre_infinite Fyre Infinite |
mariuszm Mariusz Mickiewicz |
hershelunknow Hershel Unknow |
stefanvdwoude Stefan van der Woude |
kanaka Joel Martin |