Leah Storie
I am one of the admins of a closed group called #Pedogate & The NWO Agenda on Facebook. We expose Pedophiles & all things related to agendas of the World Leaders & Hollywood. We stand behind all survivors of child sex trafficking & offer support.
Lenoir, NC
Following (81)
foxyflick Foxyflick |
swrong Stacey Wright |
dizzysdimension LM |
positivemom87 Heather Nicole |
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lipstikmommy Meredith |
24kparrot Angie |
rootgirl Kristin |
chris_triggered Chris |
theclassybratt Jacqueline Cady |
Followers (147)
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octasuciu Octavia Suciu |
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charlesvirgin Ewelina Grabowska |
jereswingle Jere Swingle |
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istoklenarcic Istok Lenarcic |
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rgee Richard Gee |
jonatasdp Jônatas Davi Paganini |
skout23 Scott Stout |
cookcharlie Quentin Ross |
rressl Robert Ressl |
maxfriedrich Max Friedrich |
jamesestes James Estes |