Keifer Furzland
Ruby, music, solving, food.
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kfrzcode and kfrz are the same person, with the same public keys. You can see the proof or close this notice.
Following (93)
benkraw |
bryanhickerson |
jrmehle Jared Mehle |
philpalmieri Phil |
ctesterman91 Cameron Testerman |
contaminasian Duy |
jesalg Jesal Gadhia |
jeffdunn Jeff Dunn |
arteal89 Alex Teal |
glandon22 George Wright |
Followers (30)
lindseyhattamer Lindsey Hattamer |
jholton Johnny Holton |
sumobob Rob Wilkinson |
contaminasian Duy |
wunderhund Craig A. Butler |
johnashenfelter John Paul Ashenfelter |
chelle1776 Michelle Fowler |
michaelkimball Michael Kimball |
alexpappas Alex Pappas |
f1337 Michael R. Fleet |
Browse others (13)
christiandefries Christian de Fries Danielsen |
kgarcia Kathy Garcia |
mikedanko Mike Danko |
simon_brooke Simon Brooke |
gaffneyd4 Derek Gaffney |
kinaj Janik |
darellkoh Darell Koh |