Jean-Philippe Murray
Studied religions and its people for some time, now I'm back working with the web . Passionate about technologies, the human being and the human becoming.
Following (18)
maronewyork |
pierrepaul Pierre Paul Lefebvre |
denki |
aboutet Alexandre Boutet Dorval |
1password Code signing for 1Password |
mikehins Mike Hins |
ralphdion Ralph Dion |
deadcode Felix Lebel |
marcaube Marc-Antoine Aubé |
slaterreur Simon La Terreur-Picard |
Followers (11)
maronewyork |
pierrepaul Pierre Paul Lefebvre |
aboutet Alexandre Boutet Dorval |
slaterreur Simon La Terreur-Picard |
marcaube Marc-Antoine Aubé |
impactcampus Impact Campus |
valentinprugnaud Valentin Prugnaud |
ricochetmedia |
hugoprev Hugo Prévost |
letechnophile Stéphane Vaillancourt |
Browse others (13)
pelletier Thomas Pelletier |
colemanlzcar Coleman Caraker |
n3pb Phil Benchoff, N3PB |
roberto_wz Roberto Garcia |
lukea Luke A |
bitdre Andre Haynes |
youcompleteme19 YichenWang |
lucy_oliver Lucy Oliver |
tareq_5 Tareq Tamimi |
cozysomeplace CozySomeplace |