Jordi Pradel Miquel
Founder of Agilogy, Scala developer, Agile punk, Founder of Scala BCN, Parent of 2
Following (20)
manelperez Manel Perez |
mbendolini Mike Bendolini |
marcfolia Marc Folia |
odelrio Oriol del Rio |
tbatchelli Antoni Batchelli |
toots Thomas Jouas |
pepcasals Pep Casals |
carlotanub Carlota R |
amanes |
arnauabella Arnau |
Followers (15)
manelperez Manel Perez |
toots Thomas Jouas |
marcfolia Marc Folia |
carlotanub Carlota R |
fmorillas Francisco Morillas |
fernandomora Fernando Mora |
odelrio Oriol del Rio |
daniagilogy |
oteixido Oriol Teixidó |
aaguilera Angel Aguilera |
Browse others (14)
jaysonsperling Jayson M Sperling |
dlyons David Lyons |
kovacekadrien Khalid Streich |
finka Alex Fink |
ferburest Ferran |
zmsubin2018 Zachary (Zack) Subin |
jakethestarrr Jacob E |
lossanarch Stephen Hallett |
btwise Bogdan |