Johan Andrén
Working the IT like a pro, on the line etc. Scala for a living and fun at Lightbend/Akkateam.
Stockholm, Sweden
Following (13)
patriknw Patrik Nordwall |
raboof Arnout Engelen |
renatocavalcanti Renato Cavalcanti |
2m Martynas Mickevičius |
eed3si9n Eugene Yokota |
jrudolph Johannes Rudolph |
lutzh Lutz Hühnken |
ktoso Konrad Malawski |
edc Edward Callahan |
rkuhn Roland Kuhn |
Followers (27)
drewhk Endre Sándor Varga |
abimatech Emma tech |
dominubiak Dominik Kubiak |
jeom01 Jesper Öman |
huulang007 |
thinkmorestupid Trevor Burton-McCreadie |
ivanopagano Ivano Pagano |
helenaedelson Helena Edelson |
chbatey Christopher Batey |
oluies Örjan Angré |
Browse others (15)
swcurran Stephen Curran |
nathanbland Nathan Bland |
jmfsmith Eric J. Smith |
dougdescombaz Doug DesCombaz |
vincenttiu Vincent Tiu |
petrohs petrohs, el compa obrero |
pacodiaz Francisco Julian Díaz |
justure Julien Bois |
elsymari Elsy Maria |
deathpool Misael Rodriguez |