Jesse Cooke
CTO at Ratio PBC. Not active here, HMU on Signal. Previously co-founder of Watsi (YC W13). Into Elixir, Elm, Ruby, other FPs and decent OOPs like Smalltalk and Erlang. ;)
Portland, OR
Following (182)
eahanson |
juanplusjuan Juan Vasquez |
aegatlin Austin Gatlin |
viki_ann Viki Harrod |
ryanspore Ryan Spore |
austinfromboston Austin Putman |
stupakov Alex Stupakov |
oliverswitzer |
dennyabraham Denny Abraham |
dvrensk David Vrensk |
Followers (128)
jamesmwright James Wright 👨🏻 |
slee6 |
amerine Mark Turner |
degzhaus John Degner |
aegatlin Austin Gatlin |
davy Davy Stevenson |
viki_ann Viki Harrod |
austinfromboston Austin Putman |
originalhat |
dennyabraham Denny Abraham |
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frankmatranga Frank Matranga |
dangerousbeans Joran Kikke |
yvescuenot Yves Cuenot |
imsorryish Saurish Srivastava |
romanas665 Romanas Sonkinas |
meetai Meetai |
ricardowizeline ricky |
leah Leah Culver |
magpiech Magda Piechota |