J.B. Zimmerman
A professional Op, I'm also an (ex-)military analyst with too many fountain pens. I write fiction, play with guns and fly airplanes for fun.
New York City
Following (24)
rlove Robert Love |
tabuchid Doug Tabuchi |
kylemueller Kyle Mueller |
zacbir Zachery Bir |
sublimnl Elliott Carlson |
mjmac Michael MacDonald |
nstielau Nick Stielau |
jberger Jeffrey Berger |
eli Elijah Gwynn |
devdsp Adam Thomas |
Followers (23)
irmiller22 ian Miller |
benjamin471 Sebastian Gray |
fweissnat Jakub Jankowska |
hiseently Honorata Nowacka |
tommiebengn Tommie Benadom |
mawolf Michael Wolf |
es Erik Steigler |
masura Masura Kabira |
iopsthecloud Renaud RAKOTOMALALA |
ianwestcott Ian D. Westcott |
Browse others (15)
zay zayotic |
indysawmill Cale D. Hollingsworth |
jenndownsah Jenn Downs |
modernbob Robert Oldfield |
iwburns Ian Burns |
wompa Hexstr Morgan |
bapimusaszhal Ermolov Yuriy |
horsecock Horsecock |