Julien Biezemans
Software Developer | Universe Admirer | Conclusionary Atheist | NVC Apprentice | Meditation & Mindfulness | Heroes of the Storm player | He/Him | Dad of 3
Limal, Belgium
Following (6)
romaingweb Romain Gérard |
cbliard Christophe Bliard |
vincentpsarga1 Vincent P-Sarga |
tooky Steve Tooke |
sebrose Seb Rose |
aslakhellesoy Aslak Hellesøy |
Followers (3)
runkalicious Matt Runkle |
sebrose Seb Rose |
romaingweb Romain Gérard |
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chaotay1 Hector Farias |
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martijnvsw Martijn Vanschoenwinkel |
kbuckley Kim Buckley |
mwtzzz Michael Martinez |
sggottlieb Seth Gottlieb |
lloydchard Lloyd Chard |
akiel Alexander Kiel |